Rethink Waste Secret # 30 ~ “Reap the Rewards”

Reap the rewards: As plastic Free July draws to a close our family rejoices the reasons we started this challenge. Throughout the month we have had a chance to remember our responsible rethink waste strategies – Revealing our secrets to you all.

Reap the Rewards

Wearing our restyled clothing, we celebrate relaxing on our redesigned deck, sitting on our comfortable remake” pallet furniture, enjoying some of our seasonal restock from the pantry. We sip kefir decanted from our refilled, reusable bottles, admiring the re-dyed doilies that were thankfully rediscovered in the back of the cupboard and a candle stick that was repainted many years ago. 

We continue to read about the ridiculousness of some plastic marketing campaigns and reiterate the need to reeducate others on reducing, reusing, recycling, reselling and redistributing rather than sending items to landfill.

We have shown you many of our repaired, repurposed, redesigned, re-invented, replaced and redecorated items throughout the month. This has been a five year journey for us, so do what you can, when you can. One million people making one or two changes is better that one million people doing nothing.

We feel that mother nature will reap the rewards (not only from the re-earthed food scraps) but from the responsible changes we have made. We draw comfort from knowing, we are contributing to leaving this precious earth in a better state, for the generations to come.

 Thank you for being part of our Plastic Free July Challenge journey. Click on the highlighted text to revisit our 31 “Rethink Waste Secrets”. Feel free to leave us a review.

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