Rethink Waste Secret #13 ~ “Redistribute”

Redistribution of unwanted items allows them to be further utilised by someone else. Other than dumping all your bags at the local op shop, how about Rethinking? “Who else can benefit from these unwanted goods?”

Our local Home Education community organised a swap day each term. This was an exciting and well received activity. There were two garden swaps each year, one for harvest and later in the year another for spring planting.

Another popular swap day was for books and curriculum. Each family offered for swap their outdated books and curriculum in return for more age appropriate level books.

The “Swap Anything” day saw REDISTRIBUTION of anything from bags of bay leaves, to toys, clothing,  guinea pigs and roosters. These days of sharing and trading created a great sense of community and giving- with no waste.

 I saw a set of readers my children read when they were quite small, passed on year after year to the next eager readers.

In recent times we have seen the emergence of “Tiny Little Pantry’s” for REDISTRIBUTING non perishable items to those in need. Also “Free Little Librarys” offering books on a take one, leave one basis.

Clothing swaps are another REDISTRIBUTION initiative which keeps clothing waste to a minimum. They operate simply by each participant bringing say 5 clean undamaged items of clothing and going home with 5 items to revamp their wardrobe for the season.

Barter and trade groups are another way to REDISTRIBUTE unwanted items easily without adding to waste.

And of course we all know there are many charities running op shops which will gladly take your donated goods. All of this means, we are minimizing waste as we REDISTRIBUTE our unwanted items.

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