Rethink Waste Secret #16 ~ “Restock”

Restock your pantry with home preserved or dehydrated seasonal produce. Take advantage of the plentiful supply of seasonal produce, whether you grow it or you forage or a friend gifts it to you. Always having a good supply of jars at the ready, to store your impromptu bounty.

Home Preserved Seasonal fruits and Vegetables, pasta sauces and baked beans.

A permanent notice on our local community roadside stall asks for jars to be returned. This initiative has proven popular and we are gifted with many boxes of jars each week. About half a dozen of my neighbours, me included, are then able to select our preferred size and reuse them again and again.

Dehydrated Garlic, Onion, Peas, Zucchini and lemon Zest

I often hear the statement what else can I do with zucchini? After making countless zucchini slice/quiche, some in the pickles etc the ideas have been exhausted. I grate and dehydrate any further excess for my vegetable stock powders and soup mixes. Zucchini sliced and sprinkled with seasoning and dehydrated is a great snack food or lunch box filler.

What are your favourite dehydrated foods?

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