Rethink Waste Secret # 24 ~ “Re-Educate”

Re-educate: For us, ensuring our waste is properly sorted is the key to successful recycling. We have a revolving door at our home with lots of friends and family coming to visit, international students having a home stay visit or just a few  couch surfing. With this in mind we struggled EDUCATING everyone in our waste management practices. So I designed a few simple labels to clearly explain the desired contents of each bin, this proved to be a successful RE-EDUCATION for us all.

Clearly labeling the Bins, got our Recycling SORTED

 We continue to have discussions with our guests about rethinking waste but I sometimes struggle with the single use plastics they bring with them. If they are not converts when they leave they are at least rethinking waste having had a RE-EDUCATION from us. Everyone must take their own journey and it will be different to mine.

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