Rethink Waste Secret #21 ~ “Re-discover”

Rediscover: Every so often, I like to have a good sort in the cupboards and REDISCOVER items which may have made their way to the back and been forgotten. I have also been known to REDISCOVER items, I put in a that “safe place” ?!!!? One such sort out, I REDISCOVERED these lovely doily’s which were promptly re-dyed and now adorn the dining table.

I rediscovered my doily collection

My Fabric cupboard is one such place that is hides a myriad of fabrics waiting to be REDISCOVERED and Remade into something different. It is full of colourful pillow cases, Doona covers, funky belts, embroidered items and fabrics collected overseas all awaiting their turn.

I recently watched video clip of Marie Kondo teaching someone to systematically sort through their clothing, getting rid of clothes they no longer needed. The system of getting everything out of the wardrobe and cupboards and dumping it in one big pile on the bed before the sort began, was quite confronting. She then asked the person “Did the item of clothing bring Joy to their Life?” if yes, it was kept and No, it was donated to charity.

The kept items were then very meticulously folded and placed end up in the drawer, so every item was visible when the drawer opened. The Items of clothing were easily DISCOVERED each time the drawer was opened.

I have to say my walk in robe is fairly dysfunctional with huge shelving compartments which allow me to make high piles of clothing, one in front of the other, consequently items are often pushed to the back never to be seen again.

I can choose each garment easily at a glance

My next clean out will be here, utilizing these principals and I have purchased some cardboard boxes with stylish lids from the Op Shop. I can now categorise my clothing, fold and pack with this method in mind. Making dedicated boxes of seasonal garments to be stored at the back thus making my clothing DISCOVERY more pleasurable.

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