Take a breath and get back to basics

As COVID 19 has been thrust upon us, I find it is time to be thankful for what mother Nature has given us. Living a self sufficient life in the beautiful hills in North Motton, NW Tasmania gives us the opportunity to grow most of what we eat and need, with some extra to share with the community. I urge you all to do the same: if you have abundance- share it!

My face to face workshops have been put on hold until this situation settles but now more than ever many are seeking ways to live more sustainably.

My Blog campaign for Plastic free July (started JULY 1 2019) had many tips that are poignant to us now: Scroll down and check it out. Tread lightly on this earth and enjoy the extra time you have at home to get back to basics in the garden and home, enjoy your family’s company and remember to breath.

Bales of hay family fun

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