Rethink waste secrets #1 ~ Plastic Free July

RETHINK  your waste NOW

Seeing plastic waste littering our waterways and in our environment can be quite confronting. This ever increasing production of single use plastic is a real problem.

Join me for the month of July as each day, I share 31 of my RETHINKING waste secrets. Any posts you think are worthy of SHARING please do.

 If you are you joining us in the Plastic Free July Challenge, check out how to take the challenge on  here  and/or  take the “Pesky Plastics Quiz”   

To make the volumes of plastic waste REAL, I also challenge you to check out this “Plastic Footprint Calculator” see how much plastic waste you generate in a year or even in your lifetime. Remember your pre challenge results and then we will recheck how much they change at the end of the month.

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