Rethink Waste Secret #5 ~ “Reason”

Reason : What is the REASON I am making this purchase?

This tip is for everyone one to consider not just the shop alcoholics out there? Next time you are shopping for a new homeware, item of clothing or anything really, ask yourself: 

Thoughts to ponder? ticking all the boxes?

What is the REASON I am making this purchase?

  • Do I need it?
  • Can I buy it used /preloved?
  • Can I borrow it?
  • Can I grow/make it?

Rethinking your purchases can have the greatest impact on waste!

Fashion waste is out of control and fueled by the affordability of cheap clothes made overseas flooding into our stores around the world. Second only to Oil, textiles are the largest polluter in the world. The Fashion industry accounts for 20% of the Globes waste water.

Picture in your mind……….. a pair of Jeans and a Tshirt…. Okay, these two items contain approximately one kilo of cotton. 1 kilogram of cotton takes 20,000 litres of water to produce…

 A thought well worth remembering next time you are tempted to buy an item on sale that perhaps you don’t really need. The average person throws away 35kg of shoes and clothing each year and 95% that ends up in landfill could have been recycled.

Pic Compliments of War on Waste Clothing waste

My family proudly grew up on hand me downs, clothes swaps, Op shops and homemade clothes, practically the only items we purchase new are our under garments.

I fondly remember an occasion where my daughter’s was truely amazed when she discovered a rack of clothes in a department store, that were all the same colour and design. “What are the chances?” she asked. I them explained, that was the case for every item of clothing bought new, just one of many. The realization started to sink in, that all her clothes, were not the “one of a kinds” as she had always thought.

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