Rethink Waste Secret #2 ~ “Reduce Waste”

Rethink Waste Secret #2 “Reduce your Waste” . Reduce the amount of single use plastic you purchase is one way of tackling the epidemic of single use plastic waste.

Making some changes in the LAUNDRY to reduce plastic.
from this to this

In the laundry making a simple laundry detergent either a powder or activated gel and fabric softener, eliminates thousands of bottles you would use in the laundry in a lifetime. The average family does 300-400 loads of washing in a year so that equates to 2370 bottles in a lifetime.  These are just a few places to start.

Making simple changes to your purchasing habits will reap rewards from day one. For example the average family of 4 uses approx 200 single use plastic bottles and tubes per year in hair care products alone.

Make your own Shampoo bar to eliminate single use shampoo bottles from your life

Changing from bottled shampoo to shampoo bars, making a conditioner from Apple Cider Vinegar will eliminate hair care plastic waste. Making your own soap will eliminate plastic wrapping. Changing from tubes of toothpaste to a jar of homemade paste will eliminate plastic tubes. Choosing bamboo or wooden toothbrushes next time you replace your plastic toothbrush. Changing toilet paper to one that is not packaged in plastic wrap.

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