My Soap Making story

We all start our soap making journey with our own motivation – my motivation was driven by sheer desperation.

2007 ~ Trying something new to stimulate hair growth with a little help from7 year old Meophy.

From the late 90’s I suffered dramatic hair loss, it fell out in chunks! Then I battled a scalp condition where I had blisters popping up on my scalp every time I used shampoo or conditioner. I tried every product known to man over the coming years but to no avail. I was desperate to seek some relief from this condition so I shaved my head a couple of times and applied lots of concoctions and finally I got results – regrowth over my entire head!

Lavendar, Rosemary and Calendula infused Olive Oils ready for handmade soap
Lavender, Rosemary and Calendula Infused oils

I continued to battle with the blisters until one summer, on our annual pilgrimage from Queensland to Tassie to visit family, I bought some goats milk shampoo bars from the local Penguin Market. My scalp cleared up within a week but sadly I had only bought two bars. Settled back at home in Queensland with my last shampoo bar down to the last slither – my soap making journey began.

Some of the herbal infusions, soaps and shampoo bars we now make.

I have been using the Goats Milk Shampoo Bars for well over ten years now with continued success. We have now expanded our soap making repertoire to include some lovely natural vegetable oil based soaps. We make all our soaps from Goats Milk, herbal infusions, vegetable oils, with little or no fragrance. We allow nature to influence our soap colour which comes from the natural tints in the oil infusions or if a stronger tone is called for – we use an elderberry infusion. No preservatives or synthetic colours!

We have been so motivated by the interest shown by our friends, that we have decided to share some of our soap making secrets in an upcoming workshop at the Reseed Centre in Penguin, – only metres away from where my soap making journey was inspired. Click here for for details

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